In 2022 there were 10,500 kids served in Michigan’s foster care service, and only 5000 licensed foster homes. Roughly 50% of the children who enter foster care are able to go back to their biological families, while the other half need adoptive placements. Local adoptive and foster parents need support as they struggle to meet the complex needs created by the grief, loss, and trauma experienced by the children in their care. Lack of support leads to family distress and disrupted placements, ultimately hurting both families and children.
Last month, VK Civil partnered with Replanted Grand Rapids to fill the support gap and create a safe, grace-filled place for families to receive emotional support. VK Civil sponsored a paint date night in place of the regular monthly support group meeting, offering much needed encouragement and respite to Replanted parents while their kids connected with peers and trusted mentors.
If you’d like to learn more about Replanted and what they do, click here to sign up for their newsletter.